Terms and purchase conditions

"UTE CAMINITO DEL REY”, informs that the procedures to carry out the purchase of tickets, goods and / or obtain the provision of the services offered, are those described in these general conditions, as well as other specific ones which are indicated on the screen during navigation and the purchase process, in a way that the User can declare to know and accept said procedures as necessary to access the products and services offered on this website.

By using this website and placing orders through it, the user agrees to:

  • By making a purchase through this website, you declare that you are over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to conclude contracts.
  • To make use of this website solely and exclusively to make legally valid purchases.
  • Do not place any false or fraudulent order. If it could reasonably be considered that an order of this nature has been made, we will be authorized to cancel it and inform the competent authorities.
  • Provide us with your email address, postal address and / or other contact information in a truthful and exact way for purchase management, and keep said data updated. If you do not provide us with all the information we need, we will not be able to complete your purchase.

The provision of the service is made effective from the establishment UTE CAMINITO DEL REY indicated on the screen, so the particular conditions that may be established in terms of means of tickets’ delivery and / or merchandising of the Caminito del Rey project must be observed, forms of payment, minimum orders for home delivery, and procedures to resolve possible incidents.

The provision of the service is made effective from the establishment UTE CAMINITO DEL REY indicated on the screen, so the particular conditions that may be established in terms of means of tickets’ delivery and / or merchandising of the Caminito del Rey project must be observed, forms of payment, minimum orders for home delivery, and procedures to resolve possible incidents.

The minimum age to be able to physically access any part of the Caminito del Rey site is 8 years old as of the date of said access.

In order to access these services offered through the website, the User can access through their account (if they have previously registered), or register during the purchase process.

To access as a registered user, you must enter your email address and the password provided in the registration process. The User Name (your email) and  Password are identifying and enabling elements to access the services and both are personal and non-transferable.

A) To proceed with the acquisition of the different products offered, the User must follow all the indications and instructions contained in each screen, and provide the required data where appropriate and mandatory for purchase.

B) Once the User has selected all the desired purchase products on the website, they must select the option Finish, and the products included in their purchase will appear on the corresponding screen with the final price (VAT and shipping costs included). , along with the offers applicable to your purchase, being able to select at this time if any offer is appropriate.

C) All purchases are subject to the tickets’ availability within the establishment. If there are difficulties in terms of supply or there are no items in stock, we will contact the user to inform them, offer them an alternative product and / or, where appropriate, reimburse them for the amount paid.

D) For security reasons, at the time of accessing the Caminito del Rey site attendees may be searched, not allowing in any case the entry of objects that may be considered dangerous or prohibited by the regulations. Access is expressly prohibited while carrying weapons or objects that can be used as such unless, they are members of the Security Forces and Bodies or private bodyguards integrated in private security companies and access the establishment in the exercise of their functions.

E) Due to the exceptional situation derived from the Covid-19 protocol, for health reasons, visitors may be subjected to a body temperature control, as access to the premises is not allowed when the body temperature is above 37.5 degrees.

The buyer is obliged to comply with the protocol and all the established security measures, including those related to covid-19, which are available to them both at the address https://www.caminitodelrey.info/es/tu-visita/ norms-covid19, as well as at the Visitor Reception Center, so they should read them and request information if needed.


Failure to comply with any measure will mean that they cannot access the venue or be expelled from it, without prejudice to other actions that may proceed. In particular, it is mandatory to disinfect hands and footwear at the time of entering the enclosure as well as wearing a mask during the entire journey.


The buyer will not be able to visit if they present any covid-19-related symptoms, if they have tested positive, if they were in close contact with a positive person or someone who had symptoms in the 14 days prior to the date of entry, or if they are waiting for the result of tests related to covid-19, being solely responsible for the breach of this provision. Notwithstanding this, UTE CAMINITO DEL REY reserves the right to adopt the appropriate preventive measures.

F) Each person must carry their own ticket issued individually at all times during the visit.

Anyone who disregards the instructions made by the organization's staff or the venue's security may also be denied access or expelled from the venue.

The denial of access or expulsion may also be carried out in the event that, rationally, it can be expected that his stay in the venue represents a situation of risk or danger for them or for others, the bearer of the ticket being personally liable in all cases, due to their own actions and omissions when they cause injury to third parties or damage to materials.

G)The buyer acknowledges and accepts that they may appear in images taken within the premises by different technological devices only for subsequent broadcasting with an informative or promotional nature and expressly authorizes said use (not valid if they do  not sign this authorization).

H)The buyer assumes the responsibility of the correct use of his ticket, and, therefore, is responsible for the improper use, duplication or falsification, in which case they may lose all the rights to access the venue. UTE CAMINITO DEL REY is not responsible for the loss or theft of the ticket.

Purchase confirmation: After the purchase process, the purchase confirmation option with the purchased products will appear, the user being responsible for reviewing and confirming the products, prices and offers selected where appropriate)

J) Once the purchase is confirmed and the order has been received, UTE CAMINITO DEL REY will send its client a delivery note by email confirming the purchase.

K) The estimated time to proceed with the purchase delivery may be subject to possible variations due to circumstances beyond the control of UTE CAMINITO DEL REY

In the case of minors aged 8 to 16 who come to visit the path, the user claims that he or she is minor’s parent or legal guardian, or that they are in possession of a letter of consent which confirms they are in charge of the minor during this activity.< br>In the case of group tickets for tour operators, groups, schools, companies, etc., these are considered responsible for ensuring that the minor in question has the above authorization and that the regulations and requirements presented here are fulfilled.
The group leader, mother, father, legal guardian or the authorized person acknowledges the previously presented risks and features of the activity and claims that the minor in question is fit enough and has skills which are required for this activity.
By accepting the terms and conditions of the purchase, the mother/father/guardian/authorized person allows the minor to go on this tour. The mother/father/guardian/authorized person takes the full responsibility which may come from any improper action that the minor might perform during the visit.
The people in charge of the minor are aware of the rule according to which minors must be supervised by at least one adult who counts on the necessary consent by the minor’s legal guardians.

Once the tickets have been purchased, there is no option to return them except for cancellation by the managing entity, always for security reasons.

In the event of closure due to inclement weather, landslides or any other situation that causes the closure of Caminito del Rey, the client will be given different options to choose from by accessing their personal space, from where they can manage the different options to exchange their ticket or tickets:

  • Select the ticket / as and change it to the day. Action that must be carried out within a maximum period of four calendar days following notification of the closure
  • Request a refund of the entrance fee through your personal space.

Click on the following link to access your personal space (/en/authentication/login).

Requesting a refund of the amount of your ticket automatically implies the loss of the right to exchange.

Deadlines: you can request a refund from the moment closure is announced and up to four calendar days following it, as indicated in Article 23 of Decree 10/2003 General regulation of admission of people in the establishments of public shows and recreational activities of Andalusia.

The purchaser agrees to communicate with Caminito del Rey by email to info@caminitodelrey.info. The closures of the installation will be communicated by sms to the telephone number that you provide in the purchase process and/or to the email address that you provide in the same process.

The Caminito del Rey tickets will be sent to the buyer's email once the purchase is made and will be available in their personal space on the website https://www.caminitodelrey.info

The enjoyment of the purchased ticket will be solely and exclusively for the date on which the purchase was made.

At the time of purchase, the final price per product will be shown in euros, including VAT. of application to the same.

“UTE CAMINITO DEL REY” no tiene, por tanto, respecto de estos servicios, obligación de cumplir determinados niveles de disponibilidad ni adoptar medidas de seguridad específicas.

If you want to buy from outside of Spain or have any questions about the store, click here https://www.caminitodelrey.info/es/contacto/.

The offers and promotions that appear on the website are exclusive for orders placed through it, and are not valid on ​​orders placed by phone or at the establishment itself.

Remember that you can also find our products in our Store at the Visitor Reception Center.

On the screen corresponding to the purchase payment, you can pay it with your credit card.

Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by their issuing entity, but if said entity does not authorize payment, UTE CAMINITO DEL REY is not responsible for any delay or lack of delivery and we cannot formalize any contract with the User.

By authorizing the payment with the card provided, you are confirming that you are the cardholder.

The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve this, the user / client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.

Return or return policy for card payments: In the cases in which it is shown that the return or payment to the user, total and / in part, of the payments made with cards, UTE CAMINITO DEL REY will attempt to make the corresponding reimbursement into account within a period not exceeding 10 days working from your request.

The User has the right to make a complaint or claim to the Customer Service by email addressed to atencionalcliente@utecaminitodelrey.com or by written communication addressed to the Customer Service Department, “UTE CAMINITO DEL REY”, Málaga, Avda. José Ortega y Gasset, nº 112.

In addition, UTE CAMINITO DEL REY has Claim Sheets available to its clients at the reference establishment. We recommend that users file their claim at the establishment responsible for the effective provision of the service.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 14.1 of Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Union, we inform you that the European Commission provides an online platform for conflict resolution, which is available at the following link: http: //ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/